This garage punker popped up on a youtube feed I have.
Seeing the Sir John A. record label has reminded me that I want to post some info on the 'Yohawks & Squirrels' of Ottawa I'm trying to investigate for kicks along with other Ottawa 60s scene stuff I come across.
A member of my scooter club who'd grown up in the 60s in Ottawa posted a link on Canada Day to this info regarding a band made up of older gentlemen called the Yohawks in Ottawa:
"Before most of you were born there were Yohawks and Squirrels. mmmmm,
I still remember my suede desert boots." - Lorne B.
The History of the Yohawks
Heres a little blurb I came across on google in an Ottawa Police Recommedation:
The phenomenon of street gangs is not new. People who lived in Ottawa in the late sixties and early seventies would be familiar with the Squirrels and the Yohawks, two prominent gangs of that time. From anecdotal accounts, members of these gangs limited their criminal activity to minor property crime and assaults. Members occasionally possessed knives; however, they were seldom if ever used. The rules of engagement for disputes between rival groups were clear; fight involved one on one and when someone was down the fight was over.
I recognized the Yohawk/Squirrel reference because it was mentioned in an article by Ottawa native Jeremy Gluck. Gluck moved to england in the late 70s and was the lead singer in The Barracudas who attained some success with their hit Summer Fun.

Barracudas - Summer Fun:
"Gluck grew up in Ottawa, the capitol city of Canada. But his heart was set on rock an roll, and he knew it wasn’t going to happen in Ontario. He had his teen band phase…the first one was called the New Master Race and the second one was the Yohawks. When asked about these bands, Jeremy recoils as though confronted with a long hidden criminal record.
"Cripes, this really is crass exhumation! What sort of deranged maniac wants to know such things??", he pleads. On my end of the web I give a pitiless shrug. "Look", he says, "Thing is, The Yohawks never existed, well, they did, kinda...um...in Ottawa in the late 50s/early 60s there were apparently two gangs, The Squirrels and The Yohawks, that may respectively have been equivalent to Rockers and Mods. When I lived in Toronto my brother and I toyed with forming a band called The Yohawks...we did rehearse "Rumble" a few times. So, anyhow...I liked that name and once submitted a fictional review of a Yohawks album...sadly, it never ran! And I may have credited some obscure 4-track comp contribution to the name."
"The New Master Race thing is from even before that. I recall hitting the high school stage at lunch one day and launching into an impromptu cover of "Dirt" that had the preps and jocks white with horror...me being one of the great outcasts of the in-crowd then. So it was pretty much Drop-Out from the beginning...and drop in to REAL ROCK'N'ROLL. We did some great tapes, including one song called "I Got Nothing", that I only found out later, when Kill City was released, that had a doppleganger by the Ig hisself!!
In 1977 Jeremy couldn’t take it any more. He’d wanted to be where the action is for far, far too long. He pulled up stakes in Ottawa and headed to London"
Here is the article:
I mentioned it to a few people after the Canada Day post.
A friend asked her father about the gangs:
"my dad confirmed the existence of the yohawks and the squirrels yesterday. he said they were called the squirrels cause their hair was black and greasy! and the yohawks had long hair and looked like hippies.
there was supposed to be a big rumble at Carlingwood mall, but he doesn't think anything really came of that. neat huh? what would we do without dads to remember all this awesome shit for us?"
Totally, what would we do! My dads unearthed some cool tidbits on the Toronto 60s music scene for me over the past few years.
So far that is the little info I've compiled on the Yohawks & The Squirrels. Judging by the description, the Mods & Rockers comparison seems pretty fitting judging by the uniforms described in the yohawk history article.
Though I can't be sure any of these following groups were theme music for the gangs,
I'll post a few more Ottawa 60s tunes courtesy of tokensurfer, a youtuber who has a great wealth of Canadian garage & pop songs, and contributed many to the Wyld Canada compilation series (comically, according to him that series was created by an native Australian!).
Heres some stuff by the aforementioned Five D - Running Round In Circles
The Esquires - It's A Dirty Shame
The Esquires - Man From Adamo
Staccatos went on to become the Five Man Electrical Band who scored a substantial hit with Signs ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Q7cP3ij5g ).
Staccatos - Half Past Midnight
Some surf inspired tunes:
I saw the Staccatos LP at a vintage shop and went back to pick it up a few days later but it was gone. If anyone comes across it, let me know, I'd still like a copy.
Staccatos - You Only Die Once
This group, Heart, I'd never heard of until I saw the label browsing Tokensurfers videos:
Heart - Treat Me So Bad
Heart - Help Me Down
Don Norman & The Other Four - Low Man ... super fuzz
Heres a link to more of Token Hippie54, formerly Tokensurfer's 60s Ottawa tunes, there are too many to post here:
TOKENHIPPIE54's Youtube Channel
And a link to an article about The Sir John A. records label:
If anyone has any more info, please let me know.
** New info **
My fellow DJ Kev. Pickles informed me that part of the style was drainpipe trousers and desert boots, with your socks shrugged or rolled down. Top this off with a plaid lumberjack style hunting jacket.
*** Update, Archived new article from Ottawa Citizen, Apr. 2nd 1965 ***
"Teen-age Gangs
*** Update, April 13, 2011 ***
Updated some of the now dead youtube links.
Came across this tune on Youtube last year sometime. Very cool, Ottawa group the Townsmen doing a cover of Take A Heart by the Sorrows from England:
Townsmen - Take a Heart
The Sorrows - Take A Heart
The Sorrows - Take A Heart (live)
More Sir John A. Records stuff..
Eyes Of Dawn - Time To Be Going
If anyone who comes across this has any of this stuff on 45, let me know, I'll buy it.
Interesting stuff. "The Yohawks" remains a great unused band name. I have a new band I may use it for myself!
Hey Little Hidden Secrets! We have a cool link to Sir. John A. Records- the beautiful music in Ottawa is releasing a forgotten classic from Sir. John A era.
Drop me a line- Jamie Nordstrand - danger@thebeautifulmusic.com
Hi, liked your page, bring back memorie of the old days, my day the Yohawks and Squirrels got into a lot of battle over hair, Heart did'nt come out until 1975 a group formed of Two Sister forget there names but they where a good group. and Ottawa had it own Star Rock Band the Staccato's, they Played the British Hotel in Aylmer Quebec vefor the name change and again after, I was there.
Your blog brought back memories for me as well. I remember the Yohawks and Squirrels, and I desperately wanted desert boots when I was a kid!! I was born in 1954, so I'm old enough to remember...but a bit too young to say I was part of the Yohawk scene.
I did see almost all the bands you've mentioned play live ( like Heart and the 5D ). Those were great days for music in Ottawa!
There was a band in Ottawa called Heart long before the Dreamboat Annies, featuring front man John Martin, who later sang for MRO,eventually replaced by Bob Blythe who was later replaced by Brian Luicki, who previously was the singer for the Esquires when they recorded It's A Dirty Shame,written by Bill Hawkins
The squirrels and yohawks did exist... the rumble at Carlingwood did happen.. The 5D changed their name from the 5th dimension because of another group of the same name that made it big.. ergo.. the 5D... If you have any connection with them.. ask them about ... "Land of a thousand dances" and the guy who reaquested it... >>> all the time.. This is a great blog that I just stumbeled upon.. The squirrels and yohawks.. ah that brings back memories...
contact me for more history of the Carlingwood mall.. the west end.. and the mid to late 60's....
Sorry to "re post" but hey.. all those anonymous folks out there that claim to have been around.. if you were.. you know me... so contact me and say hi.. Anybody seen Ron Joint? Paul Green? all yohawks.. all the founders of the Carlingwood Mall scene . contact me guys.. would love to hear from you...
Thanks for the comments Mike.
A friend posted something about the 'legend' of the two groups today and made me come back and revisit this blog post.
What great memories!!! I was a "yohawk" and can remember skateboarding on the queensway ramp before the queensway was opened. The group Heart was first called The Deuces. Johnny Martin did a mean 99and a half at the Oak Door on Bank St. bboisvenue@live.com
Back in the late 60's, there was an Ottawa band called THEE DEUCES and they were pretty good - 4 guys. After a while, they changed their name to HEART and they had a couple of local hits - this was before the Wilson sister's HEART band that everyone knows.
Back in the late 60's, there was an Ottawa band called THEE DEUCES and they were pretty good - 4 guys. After a while, they changed their name to HEART and they had a couple of local hits - this was before the Wilson sister's HEART band that everyone knows.
Nothing posted here for a while, so I don't know if anyone will ever see this? Ah yes, the Yohawks and Squirrels...I love to recount to today's 'boarders' how it was the Yohawks who introduced skate boarding to the city back in the late sixties. Remember, just before the NAC was built, on the down ramp from the top of Elgin Street to under the beginning of Rideau...good ole 'Yohawk Haven'? All steel wheels with little or no control. And then there were the weekend dances at Pineland, Mount Carmel (?) and that one on Sunday afternoons in Vanier...which I think was the Legion??? Anyway, I do have a number of those old Sir John A (and Capitol, Columbia) Ottawa group recordings if you're interested. But I must warn you, I'm not giving them away!!!
CaptainC...you sure took me back a lot of years...It was Skate Board Heaven!I still to this day "love" Desert Boots.
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The new EP Pure Wet is a masterclass in experimental baselines
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Compassion also arises out of a sense of vulnerability and shared humanity'the realization that we are all connected to everyone and everything at all times, that we are not isolated or separate. If we relate to the recession with fear, then it will close us down further.
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And Ouya, which is about the size of a Rubik's cube. A bowler who can consistently pick up his spares can easily hold a 180 average without getting any strikes. It can go as far as ruining their experience since it is the last interaction they have with a game.
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Like any game, when we stay within the rules, we score,
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And Ouya, which is about the size of a Rubik's cube. Then came the ultra-popular Arkham games, that place you, like never before, into Batman's
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The new EP Pure Wet is a masterclass in experimental baselines and
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Similar to the cue ball that is shot in pools; this game involves
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The developers are saying that Defiance is a pixel perfect
shooter, so if you aim at your target's head it WILL be a headshot instead of the invisible dice rolling a 5 and telling you that you somehow missed. Aside from the obvious difficulties of pitching so brilliantly in such a high pressure situation, Larsen's feat is even more impressive when one considers
that the Dodgers had four future Hall of Famers in their lineup: Duke Snider, Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella and Pee Wee Reese.
Preparing to apply to the dozens of other game development companies for video
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It bears mentioning that there are also games and simulations available to those wanting to learn to trade stock
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about Ouya is that it is said to be "open" --
although what this means is up for interpretation.
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Similar to the cue ball that is shot in pools;
this game involves coins and strikers that are essential to play carrom game.
Age Level - A good factor to write about is the appropriate age level for the video game
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I understand that those are the products designed by
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All spaceship game leveling systems are designed slightly differently, but there
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The main reason why you would want to do this is simple,
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The developers are saying that Defiance is a pixel perfect
shooter, so if you aim at your target's head it WILL be a headshot instead of the invisible dice rolling a 5 and telling you that you somehow missed. It combines RPG elements and strategy for a very interesting game where you must stop the rows of pirates ship from making their way down the river. Harry Potter Hogwarts is one more entry into this new series of LEGO board games.
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They help separate the fishing men from the boys, so you can find
an excellent guide who really knows what he's doing. The 360 Series from Aqua-Vu is specifically designed with a rugged encasement for ice fishing. Most of the fishable water in the upper river is boulder runs in deep canyons and it is scenic.
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I understand that those are the products designed by manufacturers to make them money and if
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traffic jams that never seem to end. For the purposes of
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I recall a song on local Ottawa radio with the title and chorus "Are you a Yohawk or are you a Squirrel? No idea who did it or where one could find a copy now. Have not found anything in my internet searching. Does it ring a bell with anyone else?
I will email you as I hung out at Carlingwood and was friends with Ron and Paul.
I think the Five D was a very creative talented band. Somehow
I feel the success of the band really happened when manager John Pozer moved them to Toronto and added
Jim Pagliaro on drums and Marc Corbin on guitar.The result was good chemistry and music. They did television work, recording, and touring. Does any one remember that period.Would to hear more stories.
I was lucky enough to see the 5D more than once at the Canterbury Community Center. I even remember having a set of cards (like ball cards)of the 5D... Wish I knew what happened to those... Oh... and I did have a pair of desert boots and yes a paisley shirt.... kinda gives me away. I remember winning a special pass on the radio from John Poser to the Animals concert turned riot at landsdown park. That night I proudly wore my new psychedelic paisley shirt with over sized button down collar to a riot woo hoo... with groups like the 5D, Staccatos (later named The Five Man Electrical Band) and MRQ ect.. It was a fun time for a young guy. There was a great blues seen in Ottawa back then as well. The world seemed full of promise. Not like today's greed society corporate suckathons....
Thanks kindly for causing me to relive those wonderful memories...
5D's Dave Poulin had a locker next to mine at Nepean High School in Ottawa. I remember the time they played a cover of Hendrix's "Fire" for the Queen during her review on Parliament Hill. Good Times! Hee-hee.
interesting read i only know about the english version of mods and rockers, i also post garage and psychedelic music on my channel called itsthemoj
I have the original coke album on vinyl ...guess who on one side staccatos on the other if anyone is interested . by the way from my memories of squirrels and yohawks .... all the skateboarders (skurfers i think we called ourselves) who liked beach boys and stuff (altho i loveed the stones too ...squirrels were just the guys who slicked their hair back
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